Browsing All posts tagged under »chocolate«

Do You Ever Sneak Chocolate?

January 4, 2013


This moment and and every delicious morsel in it is mine.

Mumchic’s Rapid Fire! List upto top 5 reasons why you love chocolate?

May 23, 2012


Heartbreak? No problem! Chocolate to the rescue. Chocolate is the ultimate rescue err umm I mean comfort food.

Why fall in love ? I’d rather fall in caffeine…..

April 14, 2012


Speaking of addictions...

How do you like your eggs on a Sunday ?

April 8, 2012


For this Sunday , the day being all about eggs , chocolate , painted, boiled , tie died , I thought it would be perfect to share with you a breakfast recipe that has become a super hit with all members of Mumchic HQ in recent times. In fact , you could say we literally hold out for the weekend so we can prepare this delicious version of eggs.